Omega Ronin Video
New Omega Ronin Documentary Film
Omega Ronin: When Sonic Art Meets Future Space Robots
This is the story of the galaxy's most unusual art project that started out as a comic book, evolved into electronic music, animation, dancing robots, and then back into a comic book with a companion soundtrack on vinyl!
Produced, directed, and edited by filmmaker and artist Mark Bussler, this engaging and entertaining documentary is the story of artistic experimentation across genres.
Bussler captured footage over a five-year period documenting his trials, errors, and audio exploration as Omega Ronin grew from a retro-themed space manga into a synthwave music band after a social media music experiment turned into sonic chaos. After taking inspiration from 1980s read-along adventures, Bussler completed the book project after a half-decade by composing a soundtrack to read along with the graphic novel.
Constructing Neo Omega City
Creating a Virtual World for Omega Ronin Anime and Manga
Omega Ronin Lighting Test
Omega Ronin: Discoception
Enter the World of Omega Ronin #7
Enter the World of Omega Ronin #6
Omega Ronin: Sky Warp short promo (Widescreen)
Enter the World of Omega Ronin #4
Omego Ronin 3D Environment Video #3
Omega Ronin 3D Environment Video #2
Omega Ronin 3D Environment Video #1