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Omega Ronin: Absence of Your Reality

Omega Ronin: Space Warr
Omega Ronin: Space Warr

Song Title: Absence of Your Reality
Release Date: 2/2/2024
Album: Space Warr
Length: 03:55
Genre: Electronica, Synthwave
Instruments: Roland Juno-X

In early 2024 I spent a lot of time maxing out my producing skills and learning to perfect BIG sounds from the Juno-X.

Like Space Warr and If the Universe is Expanding, Absence of Your Reality is about getting the most out of a few simple sequences. At the time, I was creating a lot of spacey animated videos and wanted big songs to complement the scope of the visuals on screen. The big Juno sound explodes with bouncy delay and chorus, it's like a luscious wall of sound.

In this era, I started to sink the drums deeper into the mix with more reverb to open the song up even more.

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