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Omega Ronin: A 2400 Baud Romance

Omega Ronin: Syntax Rhythm
Omega Ronin: Syntax Rhythm

Song Title: A 2400 Baud Romance
Release Date: 9/5/2022
Album: Syntax Rhythm
Length: 03:50
Genre: Synthwave
Instruments: Software Synths

I grew up around old mainframe computers, terminals, and modems. There's something magical about the sound of "2400 baud." It's heavy-duty. (my computer Edit-Station 1 has a dial that will select a 2400 speed if your modem can handle all of that power.)

This is one of my favorite Omega Ronin tracks. While it's a simple song, I layered a good bit of producing effects on top of chords and keyboard leads. I stepped back after making it and said "Whoah. I made that? I made that!"

After A 2400 Baud Modem and Syntax Rhythm, Omega Ronin never looked back. This entire album set the style moving forward.

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