Omega Ronin: Age of Lastday

Song Title: Age of Lastday
Release Date: 3/6/2025
Album: Chrono Rift
Length: 03:43
Genre: Electronica / Experimental
Instruments: Sonicware Mega Synthesis
This song started out as an experiment where I ran the Mega Synthesis through a delay pedal just to see what would happen. Magic is what happened.
Imagine that the Mega Synthesis is like a 16-bit Sega Genesis. Adding the delay pedal turns that thing into a 32X.
I like the weird delayed bassline that doesn't sound like anything else in the Omega Ronin catalog. While finishing the Chrono Rift album mix, I dug through a bunch of half-complete songs and came across this one. I finished it.
You never know what might catch someone's ear out there, and something about it reminds me of Logan's Run (because everything reminds me of Logan's Run these days...)
This may be the first track where I worked out the Mega Synthesis X delay pedal sound that I've been using more frequently. Feel the Blast Processing!